the Langkawi archipelago, a preserved paradise



Video length: 4 min

Malaysia: the Langkawi archipelago, a preserved paradise

The Malaysian archipelago of Langkawi is a heavenly place which is lucky to be far from the tourist circuits. Its jungle, the size of which is the size of Paris, has become one of the favorite playgrounds of scientists in the region. – (franceinfo)

Article written by

France 2 – A.Forget, A.Pandey, M.Boyer

France Televisions

The Malaysian archipelago of Langkawi is a heavenly place which is lucky to be far from the tourist circuits. Its jungle, the size of which is the size of Paris, has become one of the favorite playgrounds of scientists in the region.

In the far north of the Strait of Malacca finds the little-known archipelago of Langkawi. It is a string of 99 islands which belong to Malaysia, and where nature reigns in majesty. There are no crowded beaches. An exceptional environment in a region of South Asia South East widely developed. In addition to its heavenly shores, Langkawi hosts a gigantic jungle of 100 square kilometers equal to the area of ​​Paris.

A jungle classified as a geopark by UNESCO

Crossed by three riversa mangrove and limestone rocks, the jungle of Langkawi fascinates a couple from the Paris region who settled here ten years ago to offer private tours to French tourists. That afternoon, they guide a young woman who has taken a world tour. She relishes her chance to admire a place far from the tourist circuits. This natural heritage has become one of the favorite playgrounds of scientists in the region. The archipelago has dozens of species of mammals and 267 types of birds. For its unique ecosystem, one of the best preserved in the world, and its geology, the jungle of Langkawi was classified geopark by UNESCO, a label supposed to protect this heritage.

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