The Landes go into red vigilance at forest fires

The Landes prefecture triggers red vigilance against forest fires from this Friday, July 15. It’s about level four out of five, below the maximum alert. While the flames continue to ignite the South-Gironde and the Bassin d’Arcachon, a few kilometers from Biscarosse and Sanguinet, the Landes department is as exposed as its neighbor concerned by forest fires.

What it means

This level of vigilance involves several restrictions, the first of which concern movement.

  • the movement and parking of people and vehicles with or without motor is prohibited between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. on forest tracks, rural roads, farm roads, cycle paths and other paths open to the public except for public services in the exercise of their mission
  • logging, silvicultural work, civil engineering, service, carbonization and sawing activities are suspended between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m.
  • fun and sports activities in the forest are prohibited all day except for those carried out in the leisure center and in the perimeters of beach plans

In addition, it is recalled that it is prohibited inside woods, forests and moors and this, up to a distance of 200 m:

  • to use fire
  • To smoke
  • throw away any incandescent debris
  • to carry out incineration and controlled burning unless authorized by the mayor or the prefect
  • to practice isolated camping and bivouac unless authorized by the owner
  • to shoot public or private fireworks throughout the department

If you have any doubts about what it is possible to do or not, the answering machine of the Landes prefecture can direct you to 05 40 25 40 20.

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