The Landes chef Florent Carle cooks pork from Maison Berthon in Hagetmau

The month of March is synonymous with the pork fair at Maison Berthon in Hagetmau. The opportunity to stock up on good things, whole pork loins, coustons, roasts, ribs, breasts, … pâtés, rillettes, sausages, chipolatas, …

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Please note that it is better to call to reserve the products you are interested in before any possible shortage of stock. At Berthon we are not looking for quantity but rather quality with local breeders.

The Maison Berthon pig enhanced by Flo!

The Landes chef Florent Carle, the restaurant Chez Flo in Parentis-en-Born, joins forces with Maison Berthon and his friend Pierre, the passionate charcutier, to showcase these fine products. He suggests that we work black pudding and the pig ears for a very nice dish that smells like spring and sunny days with the very first Landes asparagus of the season. Blood sausage, pig’s ears dried in the oven to obtain beautiful and crispy tuiles and asparagus combined with creamy horseradish, radish “meat” confit in duck fat. You add lemon zest and a turmeric sauce to that and you get a real painting!
By re-listening to the program of the day Flo explains everything about this plate with passion.

“The seasonal plate” of Flo, Florent Carle, the chef of the restaurant Chez Flo in Parentis-en-Born. © Radio France

To taste the cuisine of our chef of the day for Circuit Bleu Côté Saveurs, head to Parentis for a culinary experience!

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