the lack of dermatologists is increasingly glaring in France


Video length: 3 mins.

France 3

Article written by

V.Roussel, L.Bignalet, F.Dumont, France 3 Aquitaine – France 3

France Televisions

As with other specialists, it is very complicated to find an appointment with a dermatologist. Delays are getting longer for consultations.

He knowsît this path by heart. A patient goes to a hospital in Bordeaux (Gironde) several times a year, when he comes from Angoulême (Charente). According to a dermatologist, the majority of patients come from afar and “sometimes go up to 200 km”. The problem is an alarming shortage of dermatologists, especially in Creuse or Landes. Ihe France has lost 800 dermatologists in 10 years, and it’s not going to get any better: half will retire in the next ten years. In particular, theth numbereimportant rus clause.

A crisis gone to last

The phenomenon is prevalent everywhere in France. In a Bordeaux clinicethere is no more room for screening until 2024and it takes at least three months to wait for a classic consultation. To adapt, dermatologists, like Nathalie Lalanne, optimize their time to manage ever more patients. She took on an assistant. A hundred dermatologists are trained each year, insufficient for the profession.

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