the Kyiv City Ballet troupe dances for their country



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The kyiv City Ballet troupe arrived in France a day before the start of the war. The dancers found refuge at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris and since then they have been dancing for their country. Brut followed them during a performance in Vannes.

When we dance, we express the pain and pain we feel“On stage, the dancers of the kyiv City Ballet troupe dance in tribute to their country under the bombs.”The day after our arrival in France, we received news of the conflict, we had no idea what was going to happen“, explains Ekaterina Kozlova, deputy director of the kyiv City Ballet. Olga Posternak, dancer within the troupe confides her concern, in particular for her family.I watch the news every day, all these terrible videos of his mothers with their children, I can’t stop crying, it’s horrible“, she breathes.

The troops arrived on February 23, a day before the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine. For Taras Titarenko, dancer at kyiv City Ballet, this is a real chance: “We are very lucky and we are wholeheartedly with those who are still in Ukraine.” “We are very lucky to show Ukrainian culture and art, we are grateful to be able to share it with the French, who have been great with us, we want to give them something back“, concludes Ivan Kozlov, the director of kyiv City Ballet.

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