France Bleu Provence is a partner of “Bleu, bleu, bleu, l’aventure Klein” at the Château des Baux-de-Provence from April 29, 2022 to April 9, 2023.
Echoing the program of the Carrières des Lumières, the Château des Baux-de-Provence offers the public an open-air exhibition retracing the life and work of the Nice artist Yves Klein. From April 29, 2022 to April 9, 2023, visitors will be able to wander freely and admire his emblematic works as well as photographs of the artist.
Blue, his trademark
Internationally known for his monochrome paintingshis performances and for his invention of the IKB color ofintense blue which he made his trademark, Yves Klein knew how to go beyond figuration and abstraction to invest the objects, the space and the world that surround him.
Although he remains famous for his blue monochromes, Klein has also worked with a large number of materials, with ever more audacity and imagination, prefiguring the most innovative trends in contemporary art, from happening to body art.
A prolific creator
Through eleven large-format panels combining photographs and reproductions of his most emblematic works, the exhibition looks back on the journey artistic and personal of this prolific creator. From his monochromes to his most avant-garde works of immaterial pictorial sensitivity, the exhibition sets out to present the different facets of his work.
– bpdKlein_espillier