The Kitchen at the Café, with Sylvain and Ludivine Croce

This morning, we welcome chef Sylvain Croce, and his wife Ludivine, from “La Capitelle” Hotel, Restaurant, in Mirmande.

Sylvain takes us into his rich, creative and generous cuisine, which once again earned him a “BIB” Gourmand from the Michelin Guide, for the fifth consecutive year.

And he chose to tell us about the use of coffee in the kitchen.

Find the recipes, in particular, that of Veal Cheeks with coffee sauce and the recipe for “Opera” with coffee….

Listen again HERE

Veal cheeks cooked for 10 hours, coffee sauce, by Sylvain Croce “La Capitelle” in Mirmande © Radio France
Frank Daumas
Opera at the Café, by Sylvain Croce "The Capitelle" in Mirmande
Opera at the Café, by Sylvain Croce “La Capitelle” in Mirmande © Radio France
Frank Daumas

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