the killed teacher “undoubtedly saved many lives himself”, declares Emmanuel Macron


Video duration:
4 mins


The head of state, who spoke from the high school where the attack took place, also called on the French to remain “united” and “stand together”.

“The teacher who was killed intervened first.” The teacher killed Friday October 13 in a middle school in Arras (Pas-de-Calais) after a terrorist knife attack “undoubtedly saved many lives himself”, greeted Emmanuel Macron, during a speech on site. The head of state spoke from the establishment where the attack took place. He insisted on “pay tribute to all our teachers” And “welcomed the responsiveness of all internal security services”.

>> Follow our live stream of the latest information after the terrorist attack in a high school in Arras

In addition, Emmanuel Macron called on the French to stay “United” and to “make a block” in front of “the barbarity of Islamist terrorism”. “The choice is made not to give in to terror, not to let anything divide us,” did he declare.

The head of state specified that another “attempted attack”, “in another region”, had been foiled thanks to the intervention of the police. This “attempted attack” foiled took place in Limay, in Yvelines, according to a police source at franceinfo. “This man, carrying a knife”was arrested “as he was leaving a prayer room located not far from a high school”explains the same source.

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