The keys to building your professional project

In the first quarter of 2002, nearly 470,000 French people left their jobs on permanent contracts by resigning. Even if this does not take on the proportions of what is happening in the United States, it reflects a fundamental movement and invites us to ask ourselves: how to change our professional life? What are the keys to building this project?
Loss of motivation at work is the first indicator that should raise questions about expectations, according to Maria Cerclet, head of the Rebond consulting firm. The ideal is to ask yourself questions at a time when things are still going quite well, without reaching the limit of work stoppage or burnout.

We know what we’re leaving, we don’t know what we’re going to find.

Thinking about your professional future is a challenge. Employees aspire to a new balance: to have both fulfilling and meaningful work and a professional schedule that does not encroach on personal life and leisure.
All the questions take into account the personal situation, the level of studies, the family situation, the working conditions, the level of salary.

The skills assessment

The feeling of being at an impasse from a professional point of view and of not finding clear answers to the questions that one asks oneself is often the starting point of a skills assessment. The balance sheet is there to guide reflection and open up perspectives.

The assessment makes it possible to define a coherent and realistic project in order to then set up an action plan.

The skills assessment is divided into three sequences: a first level of analysis, a personality test (which makes it possible to establish values) and the use of orientation software for one or more possible professions.


The question is how our experience and know-how? We never start from scratch. Everyone has transversal skills that can be transferred to a new profession. Beyond professional qualities, desire and motivation are very interesting drivers for recruiters.
Following a training will allow to reach the level of competence to be recruited. There have never been so many systems to finance training: Personal Training Account, Transition Pro for employees…
Retraining is the beginning of an adventure, the skills assessment secures the project.

Find a new job

The labor market is paradoxical, certain sectors are under pressure. The Covid crisis and the energy crisis have a strong impact on the labor market. On the one hand, there are many vacancies, on the other the applicants have other needs. The generation of young adults is very demanding: they want useful work, fixed hours, RTT, holidays, telecommuting and flexibility in their work organization. The economic context, in sectors that are struggling to recruit, makes it possible in some cases to negotiate the salary.
Obviously, professional retraining will not have the same impact for a young worker and for a 50-year-old worker.

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