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Tuesday, May 24 marks the third month since the start of the war in Ukraine. During this period, the strategy of the Russian army has changed, but the fighting continues.
Dark anniversary, Tuesday, May 24: the war in Ukraine has been going on for almost three months. The conflict has already caused thousands of deaths, and ten million Ukrainians have been forced to take refuge in other countries. The Russian invasion began on February 24: the main Ukrainian cities were then bombed, Russian tanks invaded the country. Vladimir Putin then wishes to overthrow Ukrainian power. The country’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, becomes a warlord and asks the powers of the world to help him.
On March 5, the siege of Mariupol (Ukraine) begins. A theater and a maternity hospital are bombed. On March 24, the war took a turn: the Russian army retreated against Ukrainian soldiers. The Kremlin then decides to concentrate its action on the south and east of the country, which includes the Donbass. On April 3, after the departure of the Russian army, the bodies of civilians are discovered in the streets of Boutcha (Ukraine), causing fear. On May 20, the fighters of Mariupol surrender, after two months of resistance.