the June course “arrives without necessarily a purpose”, deplores the spokesperson for the Federation of Parents of Public Education


Video length: 7 min

Education: the June internship “arrives without necessarily a purpose”, deplores the spokesperson for the Federation of Parents of Public Education Students
Education: the June internship “arrives without necessarily a purpose”, deplores the spokesperson for the Federation of Parents of Public Education

One of the new features for second year students is to do an internship in June. But three weeks before the deadline, the majority of students have still not found a solution.

A two-week business internship. This is a first, and it is now compulsory for all high school students in general and technological sectors. For Laurent Zameczkowski, spokesperson for the PEEP (Federation of Parents of Public Education Students), the problem lies in the interest of the internship. “We had already warned about this risk of finding ourselves with a large number of students looking for an internship at the same time in a framework which is not concerted to occupy the students in the month of June for this famous operation to reconquer the month of June ( …) This internship arrives without necessarily a purpose”he explains.

This new compulsory internship was put in place so that second year students in general and technological sectors do not go on vacation before the end of the school year. “Students who do not have an internship risk finding themselves, like every year, at home”estimates the PEEP spokesperson.

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