Come and celebrate the national holiday in Besançon. A France Bleu Besançon partnership.
A festive and friendly national holiday for everyone in Besançon, with the traditional parade and fireworks, but also a big picnic and concerts.
See you in Besançon on July 14 from 7 p.m.
- At 11 a.m., the traditional Golden wedding ceremony at the Kursaal: 49 couples will be honored by the City (26 Gold, 8 Diamond and 13 Platinum, including one couple who will celebrate
his 77 years of marriage). - From 7:30 p.m. on theAvenue d’Helvétie, the parade will highlight the Republican armed forces and security and emergency services, in the presence of Anne Vignot, Mayor of Besançon and President of Grand Besançon Métropole and General Jean-Michel Guilloton, Second in Command of the 1st Division, as well as of Jean-François Colombet, Prefect of Doubs.
- At 8:45 p.m., the City of Besançon gives an appointment to the Bisontines and Bisontins in order to share a convivial moment around a wine reception and a picnic at Parc Micaud, all animated by the group Kash. At the Pont de la République, the association Slackpassion will offer a highline demonstration below the Doubs.
- At 9 p.m., the Place de la Révolution will be the scene of a evening of popular and original concerts with the Victor Hugo Franche-Comté Orchestra and Besançon beatmakers Zerolex and Sorg! From 10 p.m., the acoustic instruments of the Orchester Victor Hugo Franche-Comté will be accompanied by the textures of the machines of the electro-jazz group ZerolexEnsemble. A chiaroscuro world that leads from the top of the peaks to the aquatic depths. At 10:45 p.m., Zerolex Trio will animate the stage with machines, saxophone, double bass, between electronic sounds and jazz influences. Finally at 11:15 p.m., the beatmaker and producer from Besançon Sorg will offer a unique DJ set. Between his solo project and his Hiphop duo with the American Napoleon Maddox, Sorg also officiates behind the decks as a DJ! Hip-hop, Electro, Afro, Soul…
- At 10:30 p.m., fireworks shot from the Tour Carré des Glacis.
More information on the Sortir Besançon website>>
– Maya Baldoureaux-Fredon