The journey of an inmate | The duty


When Alexandre arrived at the Regional Reception Centre, criminologists assessed his dangerousness. This determines whether he will be redirected to a minimum, medium or maximum security penitentiary.

Inside the walls, Alexandre participates in several programs. These can be academic or professional training, or specialized workshops on impulsiveness, violence, substance abuse, etc.

Conditional release

Conditional release allows inmates to spend time outside the penitentiary, under supervision, so that they prepare to reintegrate into society.

It is not offered to everyone, and those who benefit from it must respect certain conditions, for example not to disturb public order or not to consume alcohol.

It is the Parole Board of Canada that decides who can get out, and under what conditions.

There are several categories of release, including day parole, full parole, and statutory release.

Day parole

Persons on day parole must return each night to a halfway house and report all their movements outside.

The time an inmate can apply for day parole varies with the length of their sentence, but is usually six months before one-third of the sentence.

Alexandre, who was sentenced to six years, will therefore be able to apply after a year and a half.

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Full parole

An offender can apply for full parole at one-third of their sentence or after seven years, whichever comes first.

In the case of Alexandre, it is therefore after two years.

If he gets it, he can live at home, but he is still monitored by a parole officer and has to follow conditions.

196: Number of Canadians who were subject to a detention order in 2019-2020

But not everyone who asks for it has the same chance of getting it.

Statutory release

Now let’s say that Alexander failed to obtain either day parole or full parole.

He is automatically entitled to statutory release at two-thirds of his sentence, so after four years.

There too, he may be required to live in a halfway house.

The detention

On the other hand, if Alexandre is one of the rare offenders considered too dangerous, Correctional Service Canada could bring his case before the Parole Board and ask for his continued imprisonment until the end of his sentence.

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