the journalists of the “Sunday newspaper” begin their second month of strike

For the fifth Sunday in a row, the weekly will be absent from newsstands. This movement goes beyond that led by iTélé journalists in 2016.


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A sign during a demonstration in support of journalists from the "Sunday newspaper", on strike, on July 19, 2023 in Paris.  (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

For the fifth Sunday in a row, there will be no Sunday newspaper (JDD). The editorial staff voted 98% for the continuation of the movement, Friday July 21, and thus entered its second month of strike.

The Society of Journalists (SDJ) of the newspaper the announcement on his Twitter account. “The editorial staff remains determined and continues this fight for the legal and editorial independence of the newspaper”she wrote.

The editorial staff reminds management of its two demands : renounce the appointment at the head of the newspaper of the former editor of Current Values Geoffrey Lejeune, and provide journalists with “guarantees of legal and editorial independence”. The editorial staff must meet on Saturday to decide on the continuation of the movement.

Its journalists oppose the alleged interference of billionaire Vincent Bolloré. This strike movement is reminiscent of the one led, in 2016, by the former journalists ofiTV. Before leaving the editorial office en masse, they had led the longest strike for a private channel in France, 31 days. This record has therefore just been surpassed by their colleagues from the JDD.

In response, MPs drafted a cross-partisan bill to “protect the editorial freedom of media seeking state aid”.

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