the journalist let loose by his daughter Lou, a heartbreaking revelation on social networks …

The year 2022 starts off rather badly… While she expressed her concern at the idea of ​​leaving the Maldives to return to France and having to face a pandemic which is recovering from the beast, Lou, Jean’s daughter -Pierre Pernaut, was indeed right to be afraid. Indeed, this Friday, January 7, she announced very bad news to her fans on Instagram. Presenting various symptoms which suggested possible contamination with the coronavirus, the young girl decided to do a self test to find out more about her state of health. This being positive, she then made the choice to go to the pharmacy to perform an antigen test.

After waiting several minutes in an endless queue, unfortunately for her, the latter did indeed confirm the result of the first test … Lou is therefore positive for Covid-19 and this is bad news for her, but also and especially for his father Jean-Pierre Pernaut. As a reminder, the journalist announced last November to be suffering from lung cancer. “I learned of this disease last May. I underwent a first operation in early July, a treatment that has continued for a few weeks, “he revealed on his Twitter account, however, keeping a smile and adding:” Everything is fine for the moment. We are watching. Everything is under control “.

However, the former presenter of the JT, already weakened by the disease, must at all costs avoid contracting the coronavirus which would risk worsening his state of health. This is why Lou had to resolve to leave the family cocoon for a few days so as not to take the risk of infecting his dear dad. In a video posted on Instagram, she then announced to prepare her suitcases to isolate herself for a few days in Paris. Hoping that this one recovers quickly and can find her father to take him in the arms without taking any risk.

See also: Franck Dubosc kicked out by his partner Danièle!

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