the journalist expected anything but that!

It was not planned… In January 2022, Florent Pagny shocked everyone when he announced that he was fighting lung cancer. After several months of struggle, the 61-year-old artist seemed to be doing better and gave reassuring news, until January 2023. Period in which he announces that a lymph node has fixed… An announcement made in the middle of an interview for “Seven to Eight” against Audrey Crespo-Mara.

The journalist, invited this Thursday, April 27 fromEurope 1 in the show “Media Culture”, returned to this shock announcement, which she did not expect. She accompanied Florent Pagny for several months to follow the evolution of his illness. Moreover, it was during their second meeting that the interpreter of “My freedom of thought” told him that he was going to settle in Patagonia. Interrupting, in fact, an immunotherapy treatment.

See also: Florent Pagny: everything accelerated in just two weeks!

Audrey Crespo-Mara, flabbergasted by the announcement of Florent Pagny

An announcement that did not fail to worry Audrey Crespo-Mara: I am worried because I tell myself that he is taking a risk. But at the same time, it’s not my life, it’s his, and he’s not my husband, so there you go. And then, he is not crazy, he is followed, differently but he is”.

But it is really at the beginning of the year 2023 that the journalist will fall from the clouds. Indeed, when she has to do her third interview, Florent Pagny makes her a strange announcement. “We have lunch together because I have just flown and driven for hours to come to his house. In the car, he just tells me, but in a neutral tone, that I’m going to have a surprise in the interview”she recalls.

Audrey Crespo-Mara specifies that, since the beginning of her long portrait, there was a gimmick where I asked him to sing a cappella”. “I said to myself that he was going to sing. We settle down and he tells me that there is very likely a recurrence”she reveals still shocked before continuing: “Fortunately, they don’t see me on screen because I am in shock. I am overwhelmed by what he tells me and I take it in the mouth, like the viewers. I’m like, ‘Wow, wow, wow'”. A moment that the journalist is not about to forget…


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