The journalist atomizes Elisabeth Borne in full JT… “You are not strictly speaking a policy”

This Friday, May 20, Elisabeth Borne was the guest of Anne-Claire Coudray on the TF1 8 p.m. news set. An opportunity for the journalist to highlight the ever-widening gap between the French and politics, as well as the need to reconcile the two parties. ” You are not, strictly speaking, a politician. You have been in the government for five years, but in the end we know very little about you “, first launched Anne-Claire Coudray before adding: “ You are an engineer, a former prefect. You went through the RATP. […] Will this new function of Prime Minister not force you to expose yourself more? »

“I owe everything to the Republic”

An interesting question to which Elisabeth Borne answered: “ I have tried these five years to get in touch with the French, to also listen to all the actors who help us to build our public policies. “. And to continue: I have no doubt that I will be more exposed […] I owe everything to the Republic and I am committed to giving back to my country what it has been able to bring me. »

During her appearance on the 8 p.m. news, Élisabeth Borne also insisted on recalling: “ I had the chance to manage a very fine company, the RATP. I was prefect in a rural region and I think it is also important to know our country which is made up of diversity. Proud of her career, she also specified: I have been in the government for five years and when I meet a young person who was a school dropout and who, thanks to civic service, was able to be remotivated and who is on an apprenticeship contract in a great company, it makes me happy. . »


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