the joint committee promises to be “very complicated”, estimates political scientist Bruno Cautres after the motion to reject



Video length: 7 min

Vote to reject the immigration bill: according to political scientist and researcher Bruno Cautre, the joint committee risks being “very complicated”

Vote to reject the immigration bill: according to political scientist and researcher Bruno Cautre, the joint committee risks being “very complicated” – (Franceinfo)

After the adoption of the motion for prior rejection of the immigration bill in the National Assembly, the government chose to send the text back to the joint committee. Bruno Cautres, political scientist and researcher at Cevipof and CNRS, is the guest of 12/13 info to review this decision.

Invited on the set of 12/13 info, Tuesday December 12, the political scientist and researcher at Cevipof and the CNRS Bruno Cauvrai recalls that almost “two thirds of the joint committees ultimately result in a common text from the two assemblies”. However, according to him, the joint joint commission that the government wants after the adoption of the motion for prior rejection of the immigration bill risks being “very complicated”. “It’s not going to be simple, because for the different training policies”. He is a “strongly influential theme (…) so it’s something with very high stakes for all political groups”he believes.

An unlikely dissolution

Asked about the possibility of a dissolution of the National Assembly, Bruno Cauprès affirms that it is the “scenario, for the moment, the least likely”. “It is a terrible weapon in its symbolism: the executive power which has the power to dissolve what universal suffrage has done for the legislature. So it is not nothing in democracy, it requires an extremely convincing argument”he explains.

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