“The issue of tensions between parents and schools” is a “growing phenomenon”, according to the main union of school heads

The National Education Ombudsman received 20,400 complaints, according to her annual report revealed Wednesday by France Inter.


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National Union of Education Management Staff (illustrative photo). (/NCY / MAXPPP)

If the situation remains “minority”tensions between parents and establishments “are of great concern”explains Bruno Bobkiewicz, Wednesday July 17 on franceinfo. According to the general secretary of SNPDEN-Unsa, the leading union of heads of establishments, it is a “growing phenomenon”In 2023, the National Education Ombudsman received 20,400 complaints, according to her annual report revealed by France Inter, i.e. 12% more complaints compared to 2022. Disputes concerning grades or exam results have notably jumped by 150% in five years.

These tensions between parents and establishments, “It is the ability to first question the teacher and the institution before exchanging, discussing, questioning the work of one’s own child”underlines the general secretary of SNPDEN-Unsa. The reason, according to him, lies in the “general pressure around evaluation”. “All results are taken into account for further studies”he judges, without incriminating the Parcoursup system.The arrival of continuous assessment as part of the baccalaureate assessment and the ‘Parcoursup bashing’ contribute to the idea that Parcoursup is bad and puts pressure on students that is not necessarily justified”, continues the headmaster of the Buffon high school in Paris. A “pressure” on the race for good grades which generates protests “rather in privileged circles” that “disadvantaged”argues Bruno Bobkiewicz.

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