the Israeli army responds in Gaza


Video duration:
2 min


After the Hamas attack, Israel declared a state of siege in Gaza. The bombings continued unabated on Wednesday October 11.

Missiles fired from the Gaza Strip whistle across the sky over Ashkelon (Israel), Wednesday October 11. Meanwhile, Israel’s response continues, relentlessly pounding the Gaza Strip. In every neighborhood, every alley, buildings are gutted, sometimes in ruins. The hardest part is yet to come for the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza. The peninsula is under siege.

Thousands of Israeli soldiers deployed in the south of the country

Israel has cut off water, electricity and food supplies there, but the Israeli army remains cautious. “Every time we have information about the presence of Hamas agents, leaders or even the existence of a tunnel, we launch strikes.”, indicates Herzi Halevi, chief of staff of the Israeli army. The army announced that it had deployed tens of thousands of soldiers in the south of the country, partially regaining control of its border with the Gaza Strip. Israel has also mobilized 300,000 reservists.

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