the israeli army launches a massive operation


Video length: 2 min.


Eight Palestinians were killed in a large operation carried out by the Israeli army in Jenin, in the West Bank, on the night of July 2-3. The Palestinian Prime Minister blasted the attack.

On the night of Sunday July 2 to Monday July 3, the Israeli army carried out an anti-terrorist operation in Jenin, in the West Bank. Eight Palestinians were killed and 50 injured. According to Israel, this refugee camp is home to terrorists. At daybreak, the Palestinians responded. Young people threw stones and projectiles. Israeli tanks responded with tear gas canisters.

More than 200 dead since the beginning of the year

During a crisis meeting, the Palestinian Prime Minister strongly attacked this attack. “Our people will not bend or surrender”, did he declare. Tensions with the Palestinians have escalated since the return to power of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. His right-wing and far-right coalition includes several supporters of the annexation of the West Bank. Since the beginning of the year, violence in the region has killed 185 Palestinians and 25 Israelis.

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