the Israeli army continues its offensive in the Gaza Strip

Israel continues its offensive and its bombings in the Gaza Strip. An Israeli strike killed six people on Saturday, December 9, in the town of Khan Younes, in the south of the Palestinian enclave, said Hamas authorities, who also deplored five deaths in an attack in Rafah. The war between Israel and Hamas has left more than 17,000 dead, according to the Palestinian movement, which administers the Gaza Strip. The Jewish state, for its part, reports 1,200 deaths after the October 7 terrorist attack carried out on its soil. Follow our live stream.

The United States vetoes an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”. The United States vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for a “immediate ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip, besieged and devastated by the war that has been raging for two months between the Israeli army and Hamas. Thirteen countries on the UN Security Council voted in favor. The United Kingdom abstained.

Three Hezbollah fighters killed by Israeli strike. An Israeli drone strike targeted these three fighters “Lebanese nationality” as well as a Syrian, announced the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH). The Lebanese movement confirmed the death of its three fighters, without giving further details.

Controversy over video of Palestinians arrested. Israeli television channels broadcast footage showing Israeli soldiers guarding dozens of blindfolded, underwear-clad Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. A treatment which caused heated controversy on social networks. The Israeli army said “investigate” For “check who is linked to Hamas and who is not”.

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