the Israeli army carries out “significant” strikes in the Gaza Strip, which it claims to have cut in two

The Israeli army announced that it was carrying out, on Sunday evening, November 5, “significant strikes” Who “will continue in the coming days” in the Gaza Strip. Army spokesman Daniel Hagari also said Israeli forces operating in the territory had cut it in two: “South Gaza and North Gaza”. Earlier in the evening, the Hamas government press service claimed that the Israeli army was carrying out “intense bombardments” around several hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip. Telephone and internet lines were also cut, for the third time since the start of the war on October 7, according to the Palestinian operator Paltel. Follow our live stream.

The body of a young Franco-Israeli woman has been found. The body of Ruth Perez, who was among the nine missing French people, has been found, franceinfo learned on Sunday from her family. This 17-year-old teenager, with a disability, participated with her father at the music festival in Réïm when Hamas terrorists opened fire on October 7.

Four people died in Lebanon. Four Members of the family of a Lebanese journalist, including three children, were killed Sunday in an Israeli strike while they were driving on a road in southern Lebanon, according to state media. The border area between Lebanon and Israel is the scene of frequent exchanges of fire between the Israeli army and the pro-Iranian Hezbollah, particularly since the start of the war.

Hundreds of Americans evacuated from Gaza. More than 300 Americans or American residents and members of their families have been evacuated in recent days from the Gaza Strip, a White House adviser announced on Sunday. The evacuations took place “during the last few days” and were permitted by “intensive negotiations with all parties involved in this conflict”said Jonathan Finer, a national security adviser, in an interview with CBS.

LFrance calls for an “immediate humanitarian truce”. French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna explained that a truce “is absolutely necessary and must be able to lead to a ceasefire”. She was speaking after a meeting in Doha (Qatar) with her Qatari counterpart. She stressed that France was working to have a text to this effect adopted by the UN Security Council.

An Israeli minister sanctioned after discussing the use of a nuclear bomb in Gaza. Israeli Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu responded to a question from a journalist who asked him in the light of his comments if the solution would be in his eyes to jettison “a kind of nuclear bomb on the entire Gaza Strip”. The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced in a press release statements “disconnected from reality”.

Four Palestinians die in the West Bank. Three Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank on Sunday, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. The Israeli army also says it has killed another Palestinian in the region, which has been plagued by high tensions since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas.

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