the Israeli army acknowledges the deaths of 13 of its soldiers in “friendly fire” since the start of the conflict

Israel counts its dead soldiers. The Israeli army declared on Tuesday, December 12, that more than a tenth of its soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip had been killed after “friendly fire”. “To date, there have been 105 deaths since the start of land operations, 20 of which are accidents,” said a spokesperson. Thirteen soldiers were killed by “friendly fire”while the other seven were in accidents involving vehicles or weapons. Follow our live stream.

Hamas accuses Israel of an “assault” on a hospital. The Hamas Health Ministry accused the Israeli army of “launched the assault on Kamal Adwan hospital”, located in the north of the Gaza Strip. This establishment is “besieged and bombarded” for several days by Israeli forces, according to this source. “They are rounding up the men, including medical staff, in the hospital courtyard and we fear that the medical staff will be arrested or killed”he added.

A resolution on a ceasefire expected at the UN General Assembly. The United Nations is due to vote Tuesday on a resolution demanding “an immediate humanitarian ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip. The UN continues to warn of the catastrophic situation in the Palestinian enclave, where the humanitarian system is “at the breaking point”. A draft text calling for this humanitarian ceasefire was vetoed by the United States on Friday at the Security Council.

Washington concerned about Israel’s use of white phosphorus. The publication of an article from Washington Postwhich claims that Israel used American-made white phosphorous munitions during strikes on southern Lebanon in October, worries Washington. We’re going to ask questions to try to find out a little more.”, said John Kirby, spokesperson for the White House National Security Council. Phosphorus bombs are incendiary weapons whose use is prohibited against civilians, but not against military targets, according to a Convention signed in 1980 in Geneva.

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