According to the authorities, the facts observed do not guarantee users of Ajaccio airport “the minimum level of security ensured in all airports”.
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“Serious failures” at the level of baggage and passenger screening at Ajaccio airport have been observed since “December 2022”announced Amaury de Saint-Quentin, the prefect of Corsica, Tuesday April 23, as the tourist season approaches and in the context of a Vigipirate plan at the maximum level “emergency attack”.
In the space of two and a half years, “three successive audit missions by the services of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) revealed serious deficiencies in the inspection-screening mission carried out at Ajaccio airport”he noted in a press release sent to AFP.
No “corrective action” implemented
“During the last check carried out in January 2024, no significant improvement was observed”according to the prefect, who deplored that “more than half of the failures noted eighteen months earlier, including the most serious, had not been the subject of any concrete corrective action.” its co
In order to remedy “to these recurring failures”the Corsican Chamber of Commerce and Industry, manager of airports on the Isle of Beauty, “was placed under reinforced surveillance by the DGAC on April 9, 2024.” The objective? “Immediately enable an increase in State resources dedicated to monitoring the successful completion of security missions”.
Of the “coercive measures” vis-à-vis the ICC had also been taken on March 29. These decisions are intended to strengthen “the priority given to security controls on the airport’s ancillary activities, in order to guarantee their proper execution”.