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The island of Sark, in the English Channel, is one of the few territories still ruled by a lord. Under the spell, Victor Hugo had made it the scene of one of his novels.
On the island of Sark (Bailliage of Guernsey, UK), there are no cars or traffic lights. “Idealized nature, and a preserved paradise”according to Rosanne Guille, who was born and has lived her entire life on the island of 5 km². “The ocean is a big part of our life. And there’s a man, George, who is a big part of the island”, she explains. George is his uncle, and their family, one of the oldest in the place. Sark, a former haunt of pirates, now has 600 inhabitants.
Morgan, George’s son, took over from his father. Their passion is to reveal the secrets of the island, like the cave Victor Hugo. Falling in love with Sark, he made it the setting for one of his novels, sea workers.
Until 2008, the island was governed according to the feudal regime, a memory of William the Conqueror. Today, members of Parliament are elected, but Sark still depends on the British crown. Christopher Beaumont is the 23rd lord of the island. This former British army engineer succeeded his father six years ago. Sark is an island of tradition, as if frozen in time, where the eggs are always delivered to your doorstep. If George retired at the age of 80, he continues to tell his island story, while his niece does it with her brush. “There are always exciting, mysterious things to discover. It’s a fascinating island for those who like to explore”she concludes.