Explosions shook the capital again on Tuesday evening, despite calls for a truce, on the fourth day of fighting between the army and the paramilitaries which left nearly 200 dead. The country wonders what could have triggered this war.
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In the lobby of a hotel in central Khartoum on Tuesday, April 18, one of the few places equipped with a generator, men recharge their phones, their eyes glued to the television. The images of the devastated Sudanese capital turn on a loop. All are in shock and wonder about the spark that triggered this deadly conflict. Nearly 200 people were killed in the fighting between the paramilitary militia of General Hemedti and the regular army of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhane, in command since the putsch of 2021.
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“I think that the Islamist movement played a direct role in these events, says a resident of Khartoum. It is very possible that they are the ones who lit the fuse of discord because since the fall of al-Bashir, they have proven that they would do everything not to let go of power. The best evidence is that in recent weeks, the leaders of the Islamist current have sent many disturbing signals, displaying their strength and indicating that they would not accept any political solution if they were not part of it.
Negotiations were underway before the outbreak of war to try to install a civilian government. Since the October 2021 coup, the Islamist current, which already enjoyed significant support within the army, has been strengthened with the blessing of General Bourhane. This was one of the main points of tension with General Hemedti.
“They had an interest in provoking this war”
“At the moment the truth is still veiled. Both parties blame each other on who attacked first, says another resident of the capital. For me, you have to find out who had the most interest in a war breaking out. The Islamists had the most to lose from the political negotiations that took place before the war. I also believe that it was they who had an interest in provoking this war because if an agreement had been signed, it would have meant their death warrant and would have excluded them from the political game.
It is still too early to understand who fired the first shot. But a gear is engaged Saturday morning that nothing seems to be able to stop.