the investiture ceremony of Emmanuel Macron more sober in the protocol


France 3

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Live from the Élysée, we find Guillaume Daret, who follows for France Télévisions the investiture of Emmanuel Macron, Saturday, May 7. A ceremony very different from the previous one.

Emmanuel Macron’s investiture ceremony, Saturday May 7, is “more sober, already in the protocol, symbolic thing”, describes Guillaume Daret, live from the Élysée. The red carpet is “much smaller than when a new president arrives at the Élysée and the former president welcomes him. More sobriety also in the tone of Emmanuel Macron’s speech, with this notion of duty, which moreover has was recalled by the President of the Constitutional Council Laurent Fabius”reports the journalist.

“We also felt gravity in the words of Emmanuel Macron, who ‘swore to bequeath a more livable France and a stronger France to our youth and our children’, a way for him to underline two of his priorities for his new five-year term: ecology and education, as well as youth”, says Guillaume Daret. Sobriety is required even in the program, “since for this new investiture, Emmanuel Macron will not go up the Champs Élysées”. No other event is planned outside the Élysée Palace.

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