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The main suspect in the death of Lola has been placed in solitary confinement since the night of Monday October 17 to Tuesday October 18, at Fresnes prison (Val-de-Marne). The first elements of the investigation reveal a very unstable psychological profile.
The alleged murderer of Lola is a 24-year-old young woman who sometimes resided with her sister, in the same building as the teenager. Dahbia B. had entered France legally as a student, but since then she had been in an irregular situation with an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). She had no criminal record.
The suspect was imprisoned on the evening of Monday, October 17, and indicted for murder, rape and barbarism. A 43-year-old man was also indicted for concealment of a corpse. He was left under judicial supervision. France 3 found him: he was the one who transported the alleged killer after the crime. “She asked me, she needed help. No one could imagine what was happening. There is one who is responsible for this horror and that’s it”, says the indicted man. A dispute would have arisen a few days earlier between the alleged killer and the parents of Lola, who are also the guardians of the building. The mother reportedly refused him an entry badge. The suspect would also suffer from mental disorders, according to her sister. While in police custody, however, she was declared fit for questioning.