the investigation continues following Lisa’s confession



France 3

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While the young jogger confessed on Friday, November 12 that she had lied about her kidnapping, the investigation is continuing, as there are still gray areas to be clarified.

While Lisa, the 17-year-old teenager, confessed to the gendarmes having invented her kidnapping during a hearing scheduled for Friday, November 12, the investigation continues on the side of Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Mayenne). This time, it is a question of clearing up gray areas. The question that remains is why the teenager claimed to have been abducted Monday night while jogging”, Explains Claire Verove, journalist France Télévisions live from Sablé-sur-Sarthe.

And what happened, during the 24 hours of his disappearance? This is what investigators are now trying to understand by further exploring the personality elements of the young girl, described as athletic and perfectly integrated. This evening, the teenager returned to her parents, but she will be the subject of a procedure for denouncing imaginary offenses”, Adds the journalist.

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