The invasion of Ukraine is a “return to the age of imperialism”, accuses Emmanuel Macron before the UN

At the podium of the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday evening, French President Emmanuel Macron castigated Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “What we have been witnessing since February 24 is a return to the age of imperialism and colonies. France refuses this and will stubbornly seek peace”, hammered the French president.

“Those who are silent today serve despite themselves, or secretly with a certain complicity, the cause of a new imperialism, of a contemporary cynicism which disintegrates our international order without which peace is not possible”lamented Emmanuel Macron again.

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The referendums in Ukraine, “parodies”

Earlier this Tuesday, the French president, who will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin “in the coming days”, also qualified as “parody” the announcement of the holding of referendums in four separatist regions of Ukraine, affirming that they will not have “no legal consequences”.

“The very idea of ​​holding referendums in regions that have known war, that have suffered bombardments is the signature of cynicism”, he denounced. The authorities installed by Moscow in four regions of Ukraine have announced the urgent holding of “referendums” on annexation by Russia from September 23 to 27, in the midst of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. These votes were announced by the separatist powers of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions as well as by the Russian occupation authorities of Kherson and Zaporijjia (south).

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