The interval between the presidential elections, welcoming Ukrainian children to school and the passion for classical dance

At the microphone every week in “Salut l’info!”, children take the floor to ask questions about the news, tell their crush or share their little worries of the moment. This news podcast is produced by franceinfo and the magazine Astrapiit is aimed at 7-11 year olds and their parents of course.

This week, to comment on the news with the journalist Estelle Faure, it is Agathe who takes the floor. To participate in the show, nothing could be simpler: you have to leave a message on the answering machine of “Salut l’info!” at 01 47 79 40 00.

To begin with, the episode first presents this particular period of the presidential election: the interval between the two rounds… Between the first round and the second, which will take place this year on Sunday April 24.

The news is also a recent report by climate experts, the IPCC. They warn of the urgency of taking measures to combat global warming. we talk about it in more detail in this episode.

Since the beginning of the war in their country, nearly 10,000 Ukrainian pupils have been received in schools in France, from elementary to high school. Estelle went on a report to Alfortville, in one of these classes which welcomes students who do not speak French, the UPE2A class.

Taking the floor to tell the news… or what’s wrong is also the heart of this podcast. This week, in the “We tell each other everything” section, Nora talks about this friend who is sometimes nice and sometimes not at all. With the help of a psychologist, the program gives him advice on how to react to this situation.

Finally, to laugh a little together and relax, the show plays three children’s jokes, left on the show’s answering machine.

We end in song and music with Adèle, 8 years old: she tells us about her passion for classical dance.

Good listening !

“Hi news!” brought to you this week by:

Estelle Faure, Agathe Guilhem, Pauline Pennanec’h, Lara Mercier and Rémi Chaurand in production

Marina Cabiten and Marion Joseph as editors

Philippe Baudouin directing

Olivier Leroux on mixing

source site-29