“It is a question of restoring to the population confidence in the reality and the vigor of its democracy”, writes the inter-union, in a letter that franceinfo was able to consult on Tuesday.
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“We solemnly ask you to vote for the bill repealing the postponement of the effective retirement age and the extension of the contribution period”, writes the inter-union in a letter addressed to parliamentarians of all stripes, of which franceinfo obtained a copy on Tuesday May 9. She is referring here to the bill of the centrist group Libertés, Indépendants, Outre-Mer et Territoires (LIOT) to repeal the decline to 64 in the legal retirement age. It must be examined on June 8 in the National Assembly.
>> Éric Ciotti is “convinced that” the Liot group’s bill “will not go through the legislative process”
“Our representatives are, if you think it useful, available to meet you and present our argued positions to you”adds the inter-union, which summarizes the issue: “It is not only a question of preventing the establishment of an unjust system, it is also a question of restoring the population’s confidence in the reality and the vigor of its democracy and of maintaining a threatened social cohesion”.
“Several million workers, young people and retirees have mobilized during 13 days of mobilizations since January 19 and again massively on May 1”recall the 13 signatories of this letter.