the international truce, a bit of calm after the storm?

Act of play or gesture that reflects a deeper malaise?

By pulling the jersey of his Bosnian defender, Benoit Costil would therefore have committed an act that supports accusations of racism, accusations made by two testimonies of which the UB87, the main group of FCGB supporters, have been aware for several months. A goalkeeper and a defender who get confused, it is not so rare in football as evidenced by the former Girondin Philippe Lucas

I think that given the general context, these are things that we would not talk about anymore if we had won the match. Today, we talk about it because behind, there is a defeat and the smallest detail now is spied on, developed and above all exaggerated. It happened to me too, especially at the start of my career, to get confused with my goalkeeper. And it quickly calmed down, we explained each other after the match, then finished and there was no more than that, these are facts of the game. It can happen, especially when there is the barrier of language, we don’t understand each other, it’s part of the game – Philippe Lucas

There were other exchanges between Costil and Ahmedhodzic

Remember here that the two teammates were playing together for the first time and that they do not speak the same language. Throughout the game, the gestures of the same protagonists can be interpreted in different ways, as one of the founders of the coparena football application, Florent Toniutti

There was indeed this shirt pulling, this altercation between the two. On the second goal, on the other hand, Ahmedhodzic tackles to try to counter Mollet’s shot, stays on the ground and gets a little angry on his own. And Costil comes to pick him up. So, I guess things were already a little bit back to normal between the two. It was already forgotten – Florent Toniutti

An electric atmosphere from the start

Even before the start of the match, this Sunday did not seem to want to smile on the Girondins who risk heavy penalties because of the many smoke bombs lit in the stadium and which delayed the start of the match by almost 20 minutes. An electric atmosphere as evidenced by influencer Neil Narbonne that the timing of Benoit Costil’s shirt drawing is important

Yes, there is also this point, it was done in the first half. I was at the stadium and already at the stadium just the start of the match was postponed by 15 minutes, there was tension. I was with my children and there was this tension which was palpable. I told my wife I don’t feel it, I don’t know, it’s weird. The vibe was weird – Neil Narbonne

How in all this turmoil succeed in concentrating on the essentials, that is to say saving the club from relegation to league 2, the effects of which would be disastrous, especially for the club’s employees? The navy and white will have to try to meet during the friendly match Friday 1:00 p.m., in Bayonne against Alaves.

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