the international community has “abandoned the Palestinian problem”, believes Bernard Kouchner


Video duration:
9 mins


For the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Saturday’s terrorist attack is “the abjection of the abjection”.

Benyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, denounced “a savagery never seen since the Shoah”. For Bernard Kouchner, co-founder of Médecins sans frontières and Médecins du monde, “this is bestiality and savagery” which he judges as “pathological”. “We raised [les combattants du Hamas] to do as much harm as possible by moving towards a hypothetical disappearance of Israel”estimates the former Minister of Foreign Affairs who describes these war scenes as “the abjection of the abjection”.

“Yes, there will be a military entry into Gaza”

According to Bernard Kouchner, these discoveries explain “the heavy climate in Israel” and a possible “Invasion of Gaza” For “take down Hamas”. The former minister judges that the international community has “abandoned the Palestinian problem”by “weariness”. “This is a profound error”he added.

On site, the bombings continue. “Israel has the right to defend itself. (…) Yes, there will be a military entry into Gaza. They will seek to free the hostages, but they will look for those responsible for Hamas. Afterwards, they will leave. They will not drive out all the current inhabitants of Gaza.”

source site-24