the interministerial delegate for the fight against anti-LGBT hatred takes legal action

“Almost two thirds of the stadium sang, that’s what’s unbearable,” lamented Olivier Klein on Tuesday on France Bleu Paris, after the homophobic chants heard Sunday evening during the PSG-OM match at the Parc des Princes.

Olivier Klein, the interministerial delegate for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred (Dilcrah), announced, Tuesday September 26 on France Bleu Paris, that he had taken legal action after the homophobic chants sung for several minutes on Sunday evening during the PSG-OM match at the Parc des Princes.

>> “Impunity must end,” warns the spokesperson for the Red Collective after the homophobic chants heard during PSG-OM

“I took legal action with the agreement of the Minister of Sports Amélié Oudéa-Castéra and the Minister of Equality Bérangère Couillard, I asked the prosecutor through article 40 to look at what happened at the Parc des Princes”declares Olivier Klein.

Article 40 is a procedure that can be used by any constituted authority, any public officer or civil servant who, in the exercise of his functions, becomes aware of a crime or misdemeanor, and which makes it possible to refer the matter to the public prosecutor. Republic and transmit to the magistrate all information, minutes and acts relating thereto.

“The referee did not stop the match as he could have done”

The interministerial delegate hopes to be able to determine where the songs came from. “Almost two thirds of the stadium sang, that’s what’s unbearable. There are no small insults, they were clearly homophobic chants. So, we can perhaps at least find those who launched these chants, to demonstrate both firmness and pedagogy, because this is the interest of all clubs, these types of behavior have no place in sport.

For Olivier Klein, “These chants are unbearable, there is no folklore, they are homophobic chants, they lasted for a very long time. The referee did not stop the match as he could have done and ask the announcer to stop it” .

PSG “will meet all of its partners in the coming days”

PSG condemned these chants and “intends to further strengthen its prevention work” And “will meet all of its partners on this essential subject in the coming days”. But the Parisian club has not yet said whether it will file a complaint against the supporters.

“I saw the club’s condemnation and I am delighted, but I really think that we can no longer accept this kind of behavior in a stadium, whether it is homophobic remarks, racist remarks, we must say stop so that this doesn’t happen again.”continues Olivier Klein.

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