the intelligence services fear a day of mobilization punctuated by incidents

Between 1.1 and 1.4 million demonstrators are expected in France this Tuesday, March 7 according to territorial information for this day of mobilization against pension reform. The intelligence services fear overflows.

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Territorial intelligence expects the presence of 1.1 to 1.4 million demonstrators throughout France on Tuesday, franceinfo learned from police sources. According to a note from the intelligence services that franceinfo was able to consult, the authorities fear that this sixth day of mobilization against the pension reform will be punctuated with incidents, unlike the previous ones.

320 gatherings are planned throughout France. Blockages are announced in refineries, in ports. Three of the four liquefied natural gas (LNG) LNG terminals in France were shut down for “seven days”. The truckers have also joined the movement and the unions expect occupations of roundabouts or major urban axes which begin this Tuesday morning. Open toll operations are also planned.

Risk of clashes

These last modes of action recall those of the Yellow Vests in the fall of 2018. The Yellow Vests are “always in search of visibility” according to the intelligence services and the ultra-left has “massively” echoed the union’s call for “bring France to a standstill”. The authorities fear the arrival in Paris of 400 to 800 yellow vests and 300 to 500 ultra-left activists.

In Lille, in the North, 400 representatives of the protest movements are expected. In Lyon, the authorities fear the presence of 200 protesters. In Bordeaux, the information counts on the presence of 100 to 200 “ultras”. Important gatherings are announced in all cities with a strong presence “historical” of the ultra-left, such as Rennes, Nantes and Toulouse.
Finally, the police fear clashes between the ultra-left and “ultrayellow”that is to say “yellow vests” radicalized as in Metz where tensions are growing between the two camps, note the authorities.

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