the instant tax credit is in place



France 2

Article written by

AC.Le Sann, T.Petit, M.Mullot C.Cormery, A.d’Abrigeon – France 2

France Televisions

Tuesday, June 14, the tax credit for certain home help services is implemented. Individuals who employ help through an intermediary pay only half the price.

Margot Belleri, a mother, wants to hire home help for two or three hours a week. “It’s complicated to make ends meet between managing my family, work and taking care of the apartment”, she explains. For eight hours per month, the budget is 250 euros. Thanks to the immediate tax credit, she can take the plunge and she will only pay 126 euros. “It’s still 50% less and advantageous for the family wallet”details Margot Belleri, beneficiary of the tax credit.

From June 14, individuals employing, via an intermediary, a household help, school support, assistance to the elderly or gardening, no longer advance costs with the instant tax credit. They only pay half of the salary, while the other is paid by the provider. “Thanks to this device (…) there will be almost no more moonlighting in a very short time”estimates Maxime Aiach, president of the Federation of the service to the private individuals.

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