the instant tax credit is in place


France 3

Article written by

O. Poncelet, A.-C. Le Sann, M. Mullot L. Sabas – France 3

France Televisions

The instant tax credit widens, Tuesday, June 14. From now on, employing a home helper for cleaning, personal assistance, private lessons or gardening costs half as much.

People employing a household help, a home help, a private teacher or a gardener can, from Tuesday, June 14, pay only 50% of the charges on their salaries. Until now, it was necessary to pay everything, before being reimbursed by half, a year later. This can change everything for households. “On my estimate, I should have paid 252 euros, well, thanks to this median advance, now the price is 126 euros”details Margot Belleri, beneficiary of the tax credit.

In a specialized home help agency, new clients have come. “These were customers who were a little bit on the budget level and who, having heard of the median tax credit advance (…) it is indeed a triggering factor”, explains Pascal Coustenoble, manager of the APEF Paris Ouest agency. This immediate tax credit will apply, from September 2022, to childcare providers over the age of six.

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