the inhabitants of Tourcoing faced with the latest televised debate


Video length: 2 min

Legislative elections 2024: the inhabitants of Tourcoing face the last televised debate
2024 Legislative Elections: Tourcoing residents face the last televised debate
(France 2)

A decisive debate between Gabriel Attal, Jordan Bardella and Olivier Faure will be held on Wednesday June 27 on France 2. What should we expect? Report from Tourcoing (North).

On the morning of Wednesday June 27, on the Tourcoing market (North), the National Rally and the New Popular Front were towing and encouraging voters to watch the debate. In the stronghold of Gérald Darmanin, majority candidate, many residents have already made their choice. A resident assures to vote for the Minister of the Interior, because he believes that he is “very competent”. Another says he is satisfied with the left bloc’s program.

For Bastien Verbrugghe, candidate of the National Rally, there are only two days left of campaign to convince potential voters. At 38, this commercial attaché is serene about the debate but also for the legislative elections. “We have seen that there are many people who are disappointed with Darmanism”, he relates. On the other side of the market, Kathy Vuysteker, support of the candidate of the New Popular Front, is counting on the debate to unfold the program of the Union of the Left. The elected deputy will represent the 114,000 inhabitants of the 10th district of the North.

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