the inhabitants of the town of Meursanges discover the damage after the passage of hail



Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

France 2 – O.Martin, J.-C.Martin

France Televisions

Tuesday evening, July 11, the town was particularly affected by violent hailstorms. Many roofs and cars were destroyed.

“Everything has to be done again.” Faced with the damage caused by the violent storms in Côte-d’Or, a resident of Meursanges is still struggling to realize, Wednesday, July 12. At home, in a few minutes the day before, hail pierced the roof in several places and the ceilings partly collapsed. In the surrounding area, firefighters intervened throughout the night from Tuesday to Wednesday to cover the roofs of the locality and bring the victims to safety.

Dozens of files for insurance

In the town, more than a hundred houses were affected to varying degrees. “We realize this morning, it’s this morning that I cried. It’s difficult”testifies another inhabitant, who kept hailstones in his freezer to attest to their spectacular size. “I took one on the wrist, on the back.”

More than 130 files have been filed with insurance and the town hall is preparing to apply for natural disaster recognition, reports France 2.

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