the inhabitants of a village finance the construction of a medical house



France 2

Article written by

J.Poissonnier, J.Delage, L.Rouvray – France 2

France Televisions

In Haute-Vienne, the inhabitants of a village have mobilized to finance a medical centre. 65,000 euros have already been collected by the town hall.

Like many inhabitants of the village of Glanges (Haute-Vienne), Didier Jeandillou has just made a surprising investment: he lent 500 euros to his town hall, to finance construction of a nursing home. It will be repaid with an interest rate of 1.2%. He was immediately convinced by the project. “We begin to advance in age, we know that we will need care. Knowing that we have a doctor’s office not far from our house, where we can walk to…“, he explains.

Already 65,000 euros have been collected to renovate a former social housing, in the center of the village. Two nurses and an orthoptist have been recruited. The nurses, settled in the village since September, had wanted to work in rural areas for a long time. “It was a professional dream for both of them, in terms of being close to patients. It’s very family friendly. Then the patients give us real support“, confides Fiona Dupuy. The town hall hopes that a general practitioner will soon join the center.

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