the inhabitants between astonishment and anger


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – E. Pelletier, A. Lopez

France Televisions

A France Télévisons team collected testimonies from residents of Israel, which was attacked by surprise on Saturday October 7 by Hamas. The Israeli population is in shock.

A population stunned by the violence and the scale of the attack, one of the worst the country has ever known, according to some residents. Karen Cassuto, journalist at France Télévisions, spent the day in a shelter, and was ordered to “do not move” nor take the car. The entire population lives in confinement, to the rhythm of alerts, as in the early evening, in Tel Aviv (Israel). “We woke up this morning saying we were going to take a walk in a park, in the forest. Then finally, it was war”confides Sophie Hauteur Neeman, a French woman living in Israel.

The south of the country particularly affected

In the south of the country, particularly affected by rocket fire, residents oscillate between shock and anger. “Where are all the security officials? How did they do something like this? How did they enter Israeli territory with vehicles?”, asks David Levi, resident of Ashkelon (Israel). Many are preparing to spend a sleepless night, in fear of new attacks.

source site-29