the ingenious solution implemented in Orne


France 2

Article written by

R. Moquillon, D. Migniau, A. Danis, L. Barbier – France 2

France Televisions

To remedy the phenomenon of medical deserts, the Argentan hospital (Orne) has set up a system of traveling dentists. Reporting.

Dentists in van to treat residents of Ehpad. This is the solution found by the Argentan hospital, in Orne, to alleviate the shortage of specialists. A van equipped with all the equipment on board now crisscrosses the municipalities. In the vehicle, we find equipment similar to that used during humanitarian missions.

“We are not necessarily going to work in suitable conditions”, however, Sophie remarks Akimoff, dental surgeon. Once the equipment is installed in a room loaned for the occasion, the practitioner and her assistant are supported by staff from the establishment visited. During these first three months of existence, 140 consultations were carried out by the mobile cabinet. A way to fight against the lack of practitioners and the phenomenon of medical desert.


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