The influencer “Léna Situations” visits Amiens

In one of her “August vlogs”, videos where she recounts her days, influencer Léna Mahfouf, alias “Léna Situations”, which has more than 2 million subscribers on YouTube, went to Amiens on Monday to give gifts to some lucky people.

Those are videos watched by over a million people. Every evening in August, influencer Léna Mahfouf, better known as “Lena Situations”, publishes a video where she tells her day. A “vlog (contraction of video and blog) of August”who had a prestigious guest this Tuesday evening: Amiens.

In part of the episode which recounts her day on Monday, Léna, accompanied by Seb, her boyfriend (also a videographer) and Marcus, decides to go to the Picardy capital with one objective: give gifts to the people of Amiens that she crosses. Make-up, sunglasses and even tablets, the star gives pleasure without counting.

Not a first in Picardy

In the video, you can see the Gambetta square, the rue Delambre but also the surroundings of the cathedral. From this Monday, we knew that Amiens would be the setting for Léna Situations’ next video, as she had indicated on her social networks.

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Something to please his many Amiens fans

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But also some disappointed…

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Last year, in 2021, she had spent her holidays in the bay of Authie. A stay that she had also filmed there for one of her August vlogs.

But could Léna Situations settle more permanently in Amiens? While she has just launched a temporary boutique in Paris, “L’Hôtel Mahfouf”, she would have confided to some fans the idea of ​​opening other shops elsewhere in France…

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