The Indre polluted in Châteauroux by a product not yet identified

But what product could have polluted the Indre at Châteauroux this week? Regulars of the river notice dead fish since the middle of the week.We have been told of fish that have been dying in the Indre at Châteauroux since about Tuesdaysays Bruno Barbey, director of the Indre Fishing Federation. Very slowly, a product visibly toxic enough to kill a few fish descended the river over the days. When we cross the bridges today, we see dead fish from time to time (…) without being able to find the origin of the rejection.“The services concerned have been notified, samples were taken.

I would call it chemical pollution – Bruno Barbey

The product responsible for the death of the fish would therefore have dissolved in the course of the water. But impossible, for the moment, to identify the product with the first tests carried out. “I would call it chemical pollutionsays Bruno Barbey. But is it of urban, industrial origin, it can also be agricultural, which comes from upstream. In fact, it’s very difficult because the analyzes show a good concentration of nitrogen, oxygen is also fine, temperature, acid… everything is fine with conventional products. We must push further.“The task is indeed complex because hundreds of products are likely to match.We hope that the toxic product has passed but we have to follow (…) people do not necessarily realize that there may be a leak from a tank, from a product which can flow very slowly .

The particular color of the Indre is not necessarily linked to this pollution

Do you think the water in the Indre has a strange, pale color? This is not necessarily linked to pollution, warns Bruno Barbey. “At the moment, there are somewhat particular colors of the rivershe says. In addition, there are works in Châteauroux so earth has been disturbed, clay (…) there is [aussi] very strong phytoplankton developments.“The water police have been informed of the pollution, the situation is being monitored. If you ever notice heavy pollution, such as a large number of dead fish, notify the fire department first, recommends Bruno Barbey. They are the ones who will then trigger the chain of reactions, up to the prefecture.

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