the indexation of wages to inflation, “a powerful necessity in the country”, assures François Ruffin

François Ruffin, rebellious member of the Nupes, declared on Sunday October 16, on the program Questions politiques by France Inter, franceinfo and Le Monde, that the indexation of wages to inflation “today seems a powerful necessity in the country”. A measure that he claims to claim “for more than a year”.

>> Follow the march “against high cost of living and climate inaction” live.

In France, wages were indexed until 1983. “40 years ago, in 1980, a teacher’s salary was 2.3 times the Smic. Today, it’s 1.2 times the Smic. In 2000, a worker’s salary skilled in construction, it’s 36% above the minimum wage. Today, it’s 16%”denounces the rebellious deputy of the Somme.

François Rufin rejects the argument of a risk of an inflationary spiral in the event of a general increase in wages. On the other hand, he is not opposed to the“indexing of salaries to inflation is done up to 2,000 euros, 2,500 euros up to the level of the median salary or the average salary”. “I am in favor of indexing, perhaps up to a certain level of income, but it seems to me today a powerful necessity in the country”.

François Ruffin hopes that the march “against the high cost of living and climate inaction” organized in Paris at the call of La France Insoumise will “to restore ardor in the hearts” activists. 30,000 demonstrators are expected in the capital. “It’s almost a restart, if this term is not forbidden to us todaynotes François Ruffin sarcastically. It’s a restart. You can have people, including activists, who can be discouraged, stricken with resignation. It’s about restoring ardor in the hearts“, did he declare.

François Ruffin will also be present at the demonstration next Tuesday organized by the CGT, FO, Solidaires and FSU which call for a day of interprofessional strike. “There will be a second step to climb simply that there is indeed a balance of power that is built and that we do not have a policy that comes to do everything for the rich and nothing for the world of work”he explained.

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