the incredible trajectory of Benjamin Charier, from Twitter to recruiter for OM

March 2020. France puts itself under glass. Benjamin Charier, videographer-photographer in a Nantes company is forced to stop working. “Like many French people, I had to find internal activities at my home during the Covidconfides the young thirty-year-old. For me it was not to make bread but rather to understand football.” He then throws a Twitter account. He hits. Leaves his job to launch his consulting agency for “sports actors“, as he says. And catches the eye of Olympique de Marseille, future opponent of FC Nantes, this Wednesday evening. Portrait of an autodidact with a dazzling trajectory.

A football addict in search of knowledge

Marseille, he already knew. The Old Port, the Panier, the Canebière and of course the Vélodrome. “I had studied in the region for three years and had therefore necessarily gone to the stadiumdraws Benjamin Charier from his memories. I even did my DUT dissertation in urban planning at the Vélodrome stadium and on the sociology of OM supporters.“A parenthesis that the native of Bellevue never thought of reopening one day. At the end of his studies, he returned home and fulfilled himself by embracing a career as a videographer-photographer in a Nantes company. Until the arrival of the coronavirus in our lives, therefore.

Even today, when I have to say that I work for OM, I have the impression that it’s not true.

I realized that I had been watching about ten matches a week for many years without necessarily understanding this sport, he says without complex. So I tried to read, watch matches differently, listen to podcasts to try to better understand collective structures and ecosystems“. Unlike other enthusiasts, Benjamin Charier does not want to keep it to himself. He therefore creates the Twitter account”tacompo and publishes in particular tactical analyzes of Ligue 1 teams. “I had a lot of fun doing thisrewinds the 32-year-old. Plus, it worked pretty quickly. Not that what I was doing was very scholarly, but I think it filled a void because analyzes that are a little more holistic and a little more collective are not necessarily dominant in the French audiovisual landscape.

“It’s the first time that I don’t need an alarm clock to get up”

Pleasantly surprised by the interest that his publications arouse, the man then takes his courage on both feet. He leaves his company and develops a consulting agency for players, coaches or even agents to guide them through data and videos. And everything is linked. Olympique de Marseille spots him and offers him a contract of “technical scouting“, in other words, from recruiter, on January 1, 2022. The jackpot. “I don’t even wanna say it’s a dream ’cause I never got as far as dreaming about ithe slips. Even today, when I have to say that I work for OM, I have the impression that it’s not true. I haven’t quite realized yet. Every time I go through the Commanderie gate I have a little emotion.”

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Manage my choices

Crossing the street, picking up your baguette and seeing that the fruit of your labor will create so much happiness in people, it’s great to contribute to that.

Affable when it comes to talking about football, Benjamin Charier measures how lucky he is. And how quickly he climbed the steps. “That’s why I try to give back all the trust that was given to mehe insists. I do everything to stay in this environment because I have an incredible chance. It’s the first time in my life where I don’t need an alarm clock to get up. Crossing the street, picking up your baguette, observing people who don’t know that I work for OM and seeing that the fruit of your labor will create so much happiness, it’s great to contribute to that.” The wonder of a football fanatic who only aspires to continue learning and above all, to take advantage of this present which allows him to live off his love for the ball in a city that swears only by OM. And the Good Mother.

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