the incredible story of this evening which turned into a drama

Remember, a few months ago, Sarah Fraisou and Ahmed Thaï hastily announced their divorce on the Web … “Ahmed and I, it’s over. We got divorced. We don’t get along at all. These ain’t no deception stories or anything […] It’s just that it’s not right. He sees things differently from me and me differently from him so things don’t go well ”, let the 29-year-old woman know at the time. Obviously, the reality TV candidate had omitted to tell the details … A few months later, the blogger Aqababe did it for her!

Via his Snap Chat story, the most feared blogger in reality TV revealed that Ahmed Harroun, his real name, had become violent with Sarah Fraisou! “She told me that in full sequence, Ahmed had suspected her of being pregnant with him. He said to him: Lie down on your back, I’ll put two or three potatoes in your stomach! ‘ Sarah begged the production that the sequence never came out ”, said Aqababe…

Shocking revelations that immediately made the main interested party react: “I’m not going to shut my mouth anymore!” I’m waiting to see what the Calimeros 2.8 will release to tell the truth. I will assume everything! You will understand the year I spent shutting my mouth, protecting, being psychologically damaged, thinking that I was the cause of the problem. “, Sarah Fraisou said …

Ahmed Thaï takes the floor

A few hours later, during an Instagram live with Marc Blata, Ahmed Thaï finally decided to give his version… And the least we can say is that it has nothing to do with that of Aqababe! And for good reason, according to the young man of 24 years, the violence and the threats did not come from him. During the live, the boxer indeed explained that his ex-wife threatened him as soon as he expressed the desire to put an end to their union.

For example, the one who now lives in Dubai told of an evening with Sarah Fraisou which turned into a nightmare. “I told her that we got along more than that, it was the end … And she looks at me, she takes the razor, she puts it under her tongue! She says ‘if you go, I’ll swallow the razor’! I look at her, I try to open her hand, I tear off her razor… I run into the kitchen to raise the big knives! I take the knives, I hide them! She comes into the living room. […] She takes the bread knife and she starts to say ‘you know what, I’m going to kill myself today’, she punches herself twice in the stomach, but she can’t open! For a moment she gains momentum to kick herself in the stomach! I run and I put my hand … And she plants her hand. The opening was very deep, blood was squirting everywhere! “, told Ahmed Thaï… A chilling story!

Lisa Ziane

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