The (increasingly inevitable) return of Donald Trump

We are just emerging, exhausted, from a global pandemic. Wars are increasing. Anti-Semitism is skyrocketing. Inflation is exploding. Housing is no longer a right. Getting treatment is an obstacle course. Poverty is gaining ground.

• Read also: What would a new Trump presidency look like?

Don’t throw any more away, the yard for the cripples is extremely full. Now comes the return of Donald Trump to the next presidential campaign of the world’s greatest power.

This man is, however, deeply broken. This multi-billionaire megalomaniac is dangerously hateful. There is no way out. It’s a nightmare that never ends.

Monday night, Republican voters in Iowa crowned him outright. A first step towards his dream reconquest of the White House against Joe Biden, the outgoing Democratic president.

It is said that only certain species would survive the nuclear annihilation of the earth. It is now necessary to add the name “the Donald”.

Unrepentant misogynist. Fighter against women’s right to free choice in abortion. Uninhibited xenophobic. Admirer of Vladimir Putin. Taken to court. Repeat hate monger on social media.

It’s a cult

In short, Trump is a powerful fuel for the far right across the West. Even capable of inciting his followers to violently enter the Capitol grounds in January 2021. Whatever he does – or rather thanks to all of it – Donald Trump’s popularity is nevertheless rock solid.

On the social network 65% believe the lie that Biden is not the rightful winner of the 2020 election; 64% believe Trump would be fit to serve as president even if he is found guilty of a crime. IT’S A CULT!”

The word is right. Very unfortunately, in the eyes of his base, in the United States and among his apostles across the border, Donald Trump has achieved the more than worrying status of guru of the extreme right.

And this, without counting its multiple conspiratorial, anti-science, misogynistic and xenophobic movements.

Even in certain regions of Canada, although the kingdom of political tranquility and the extreme center, Trumpism is making headway. Particularly, it must be said, in Alberta.

Mostly worried

It is true that an Angus Reid poll shows that Canadians are mostly worried about a possible return of Trump to the White House.

They even see the threat of the creation of an “authoritarian” state south of their border.

However, at the same time, within the electorate of the Conservative Party of Canada and its leader, Pierre Poilievre, we see Donald Trump in a better light.

In fact, this is not surprising. Even though it’s diluted in a creamier Canadian sauce, Poilievre’s more vinegary “recipe” is obviously inspired by Trump’s.

Whether it is through his disdain for traditional media. His support for the “freedom convoy”. His repeated demonization of his opponents. His mastery of social media as a means of transmitting his messages and as a fundraising tool. Etc.

The Trump-like side of Pierre Poilievre is undeniable. What would happen if, in addition, Donald Trump became president of the United States again and Pierre Poilievre became prime minister of Canada?

If it were to materialize, Trump’s return to the White House would not really bode well.

Nor for the Americans. Nor for Canada. Nor for the West. Nor for democracy. Nor for Ukraine. Nor for women. Nor for minorities.

However, it will take a real miracle to avoid the ordeal of a second term as American president for Donald Trump.

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